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About Abasolo
Destilería y Bodega Abasolo is the first and only Mexican distillery built from the ground up and dedicated since its inception to capturing the millenary Mexican culture of corn in whisky. Here on the distillery grounds, the past and present exist side by side just as they do in our bottle, and we work hard to maintain the "Alma de la Tierra”.
Destilería Abasolo is located in the heart of Jilotepec at an altitude of 7,800 feet, making it one of the highest distilleries in the world.
Located on a property that was originally used for planting and drying corn, the destilería consists of restored old buildings—a stable, original cellar, and farmer’s house—along with a modern architectural structure inspired by traditional corn storage systems called "sincolotes”. Every element of the Abasolo distillery is meant to reinforce and reinvent the ancient tradition and contemporary craft that is part of the Abasolo whisky-making process and inherent in contemporary Mexican culture.
The distillery employs local workers from Jilotepec and other neighboring municipalities, training them in the corn trade and whisky production and contributing to the local economy.